About Us

Chapter is a charming and warm space where you can indulge in tea (there are lots of teas to choose from), romance books, sweet treats, savoury snacks and velvety Atomic coffee (we make good coffee too)!

Chapter is a family affair which has its roots in the Mt Eden tea shop which had been in operation since 1995. The mix of tea and books started ten years later because of the unquenched thirst for a good romance novel. The current owner Frances struggled to find decent romantic books in Auckland after living abroad.

Realising that there was only one way to fix the problem, Frances decided it was time for a career change. With cousin Christina’s help, Chapter was born in 2005 with the specialty retail offering broadening to include romance books as well as teas. Since these beginnings, Chapter has expanded to offer around 300 teas and 2500 books (mostly romance fiction) in a relaxed and friendly setting.

Chapter is the proud sponsor of the Romance Writers of New Zealand annual short story competition (the latest anthology of top entries Liaisons 2024 is now available – please double click the pdf link to view); as well as a number of Mount Eden Rotary Club events.

Save Money and Help Us to Minimise Waste:
Takeaway coffees/teas etc – bring your own reusable cup in and get a discount of 50 cents.
Loose leaf tea – bring your own storage container in and get a discount of 50 cents (except on pre-packaged buys and bulk buys).

NB. The “Chapter” branded carry bag is an officially reusable bag (no single-use plastic carry bags are used). 

CS Lewis said, “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.” We couldn’t agree more!

Chapter. 442 Mt Eden Rd, although principally a teashop, is the stand-out establishment in the coffee wasteland of Mt Eden village. It's also a bookshop specialising in romance fiction, so read Only a Duke Will Do with your Atomic Joe.


Hot. Chapter cafe, Mt Eden. Coffee, tea, delectable poppyseed cakes - and romance novels and girly thrillers


A charming bookshop-cum-teashop with good coffee as well.


For a unique tea experience, visit Chapter in Mt Eden, which is a book store, premium tea supplier and cafe all in one. Our favourite brew? Nepal Chai.
